Awaken Her

Shamanic Counselling Practice


Awaken Her

A Shamanic Counselling and Healing Practice Offering A Shamanic Counselling and Healing Journey via a course “In Search of Self”


Once upon a time all that there was, was the “void”

Darkness and Silence. Silence and Darkness. Darkness and Silence.

Then there was a sound. It sounded like the rumble of a distant thunderstorm. Time passed and the rumble grew louder and louder as it drew closer and closer. There were crashes, lightning, thunder and then there was a “bang”.

And the universe was born.

And at the very beginning of time each and every one of us felt so connected to our beautiful animate Earth.

The Earth, The Wind, The Fire and The Water.

Time passed, society grew and demanded logic, structure and rational thinking.

And slowly over time we became disconnected from that aspect of self that’s curious about the irrational, magic, myth, stories and legends.

And women’s “rites” were slowly eroded.

“The suppression of women’s rights

began with the suppression of women’s rites” Merlin Stone


I sat with the question how can we re-remember that connection we once felt within ourselves, with each other and the animate earth when we have become so disconnected from our “rites” and that aspect of self that’s curious about the irrational? And over a number of years a course titled “In Search Of Self” started to unfold.

“In Search Of Self” encompasses Shamanic Counselling, Shamanic Healing, Psychotherapy and the Medicine Of Story.

Welcome to Awaken Her, a Shamanic Counselling Practice. My new venture, sister site to Finding You  CLICK HERE to visit Finding You, an established Psychotherapy Practice that has served clients for around 15/16 years.


“In Search Of Self”

 An online course. Numbers are limited to (max. 8).


Sleeping Beauty will be the first of a series of 5 Shamanic offerings that will be rolled out during the course of a year long Shamanic Counselling/healing journey. Consisting of Psychotherapy, Shamanic Medicine and the healing Medicine Of Story.

After each offering there will be a follow up group call facilitated by myself to support what starts to unfold for you.


Start date. Monday January 6th 2025. UK Time 7.00pm to 8.30pm. 

Cost for the years course £500


Shamanic Offerings. The first offering is “Sleeping Beauty”, the second “Blind Spots”, the third “Transformation”, the 4th “Power & Grace” and the 5th “Soul Journey”.

After each Shamanic Counselling/healing offering, there will be a follow up session for the group in which you will be invited to start to share/unpack what starts to unfold for you. You will also be invited to set up a WhatsApp group so that you can share, bear witness to and support each other between sessions.

The creation of small intimate containers for this work felt important to me.


Full time table below.


You are now invited to take a moment, pause and take a deep breath or two and engage with the wise women within you. She reminds you that you are your own Spiritual Authority and asks that you check in with yourself to ensure that you feel grounded and ready to dive into a journey of “In Search Of Self” through self exploration, connection and re-remembering of knowledge that lays in “a dusty old box in our genetic memories” (John Trudell) in this way.


“All human beings are descendants of tribal people who are spiritually alive, intimately in love with the natural world, children of Mother Earth. When we were tribal people, we knew who we were, we knew where we were, and we knew our purpose. The sacred perception of reality remains alive and well in our genetic memory. We carry it inside of us, usually in a dusty box in the minds attic but it is accessible” John Trudell


I honour the “lone wolves” who may prefer to take this journey on their own. And those of you who prefer to take this journey at your own pace. And offer this course to those who prefer to journey this way on a 1-2-1 basis with me at a time that works for us both. At the practice or online. (Cost £600. Each module consists of a Shamanic Counselling/healing offering and a follow up call.)

This course compliments Psychotherapy it does not replace it. And there are those who will choose to explore the “Self” via a more traditional Psychotherapy route.

Shamanic Counselling/healing and Story Medicine can be weaved into your Psychotherapy journey, if you prefer this route. And I have been working with some of my Psychotherapy clients in this way for a number of years now. The wise woman within you knows that you know what feels right for you and she invites you to listen to that. CLICK HERE to visit Finding You.

The healer, the crone and the alchemist within me has weaved Shamanic medicine, with the medicine of story and the medicine of Psychotherapy to create this journey of Shamanic Counselling/healing. A beautiful journey “In Search Of Self”

You will be invited to work with this medicine by:

  • Using your breath, your will and your imagination.
  • Engaging with the four pillars of your inner temple. The pillar of Wisdom, Compassion, Courage and the fourth, a mixture of Power and Grace.
  • Moving, dancing, exploring and staying curious about the various archetypes that Jung (Psychoanalyst) proposes are within us all.

Jung describes how these archetypes; the Hero, Magician, The Ruler for example. There are many, many more that we will be working with, have unique characteristics and roles. And he goes on to describe how they represent shared human experiences, themes and characters that transcend culture and historical boundaries.

You will be invited to dive deep. Dive deep. And work with this potent medicine. The more able you are to work with your imagination, breath and will. Connect with your four pillars. Dance with, explore and stay curious about your archetypes, trust the healer and the alchemist within you. The more potent the medicine.

Our ally in this work is the ancient of ancients “Old Mother Dark” who throughout this journey will wrap you in her soft dark velvet cloak. Providing sanctuary, guidance, support and safety whilst you work.


Old Mother Dark

Perhaps take a moment, take a pause, take a deep breath or two and close your eyes. “Old Mother Dark”, ancient of ancients. Can you see her? Can you hear her? She has come for a quick visit, to take a look and to introduce herself to you. She chuckles and roars with laughter, a deep belly laugh.

And she reminds you that you are loved.

“Hold on tight, snuggle in and enjoy the ride” she says. And you watch her as she glides towards the horizon. There she begins to fade. You now notice that she is almost out of site. You strain to hear her laughter and get a last glimpse of her. Then you loose complete site of her, as you start to open your eyes.

You know how to call her back. Simply close your eyes, take a moment, pause, take a deep breath or two and invite her in and she will wrap you in her soft dark velvet cloak, remind you that you are loved, invite you to snuggle in, to hold on tight and enjoy the ride.

Ancient of Ancients “Old Mother Dark”


Time Table For 2025 UK Time

Group call duration based on 8 in the group. Duration of group call may vary.


Monday 6th January 7.00pm to 8.30pm. Offering. Sleeping Beauty

Monday 27th January 7.00pm to 8.30pm. Group call.

Monday 10th February 7.00pm to 8.30pm. Offering. Blind Spots

Monday 3rd March 7.00pm to 8.30pm. Group call.

Monday 24th March 7.00pm to 8.30pm. Offering. Transformation

Monday 28th April 7.00pm to 8.30pm. Group call.

Monday 12th May 7.00pm to 8.30pm. Offering. Power and Grace

Monday 2nd June 7.00pm to 8.30pm. Group call.

Monday 23rd June 7.00pm to 8.30pm. Offering. Soul Journey.

Monday 15th Sep 7.00pm to 8.30pm. Group call.

Course cost £500 Working within a group

Course cost £600 Working 1-2-1.


Please register your interest in the first instance. Payment details will follow.

Places will be offered on a “first come, first served” basis.